Analytical Manufacturing Leader
To submit your application, please complete these steps. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Email Registration

Your email address will be used as your login name allowing you to return to our website to update your profile. Passwords must be at least twelve (12) characters long with at least one letter, one number and one special character ($, &, !, etc.).

If you are a returning applicant, please sign in or reset your password using the Login button.

Upload Your Resume

Use your resume or LinkedIn Profile to fill in many of the fields on this application form.

Personal Information

How did you hear about us?

Additional Information

Are you legally authorized to work in the United States?

Do you now or will you in the future require company sponsorship for a visa or employment authorization?

Are you bound by a confidentiality agreement or restrictive agreement from your current or previous employer?

Bound by agreement?

Check/Uncheck All

Have you ever been debarred, suspended or otherwise found ineligible for any federal programs or contracts?

Are you now or have you previously been employed by Olin? If yes, be sure to include the position, location, and dates in the work history section of your application.

Have you ever been discharged or asked to resign?

Upload Your Resume

Upload your resume if you have not already done so. Alternatively you can type or copy and paste your resume into the Resume Text field below.

Note: You can attach a total of up to 4MB of data. Your resume and all attachments combined must be less than 4MB.

Toggle Accordion
Add Resume

Additional Attachments

Upload any additional attachments including cover letters, portfolios, etc.

Add Attachment


Employment History

Please provide the last seven years employment history including any military service or gaps in employment.

Add Work History

Education History

Please include all relevant education history.

Add Education

Applicant Statements

Please read carefully before signing your application.

certifthat the facts and information set forth in this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that this application was completed by me.  I understand that any falsification, misrepresentation, or omission of facts on this application, resume, and any attachments or additional required documents will be cause for the denial of employment or immediate termination of employment, regardless of how or when it was discovered.  

herebauthorizinvestigatiooalstatementcontaineithiapplication.  I understanthainformation may bobtainethrouginterviewwitreferenceanpasemployersfroeducationainstitutionsthrough a credit check, a criminahistorchecand/or a driverrecorcheck. Thiinquirmaincludinformatioaboumwork performancanworkplacconduct.  I herebconsentconsideratiooanstatementoreferencewhich formeemployerootherprovidiresponstthinquiry.  IOliCorporatiodecidetobtain a consumer credireport, I understanthaiwilprovideamrequestthnamanaddresothreportinagencso I maobtaifrosucreportinagencthnaturansubstancoinformatiocontaineisucreport.

I understand that a criminal background check may be required of any applicant to whom a conditional offer of employment is made.

herebreleasmreferenceanmpreviouemployerfroliabilitfotheifurnishininformation concerninmand I alsreleasOliCorporatioregardinanemploymendecisioimakeothbasiof sucinformation.

understanthatiaoffeoemploymenimade, I mabrequiretundergo a physical/medical examinatioanwilbrequiretundergo a druscreettesfothpresencoillegadrugotheir metabolitesas a conditioobeginninmemploymentand I herebauthorizandoctorhospitalclinic, laboratoroothemedicafacilittfurnisanmedicainformatiowitreferenctmamabnecessarin conjunctiowitthaexaminatioanrelateconsiderations.  Iemployed, I understananagrethaas a conditioocontinueemployment, I mabsubjectperioditestintdetecthpresencoillegal substanceoillegadrugotheimetaboliteimbody.  Suctestinwilbperformebaentitor individuadesignatebOliCorporation.

understanthataccordintfederalawalindividualwharhiremustas a conditiooemployment, produccertaidocumentatiotveriftheiidentitanUniteStatecitizestatuorialienstheilegal authorizatiotworithUniteStates.  I understanthaanoffeoemploymentmicontingenupomy abilittproducthrequiredocumentatiowithithtimperiorequireblaw.  Olin Corporation participates in an Employment Eligibility Verification System.

certifthat I anobounbanemploymenonon-competitioagreementhawoulbbreachebany employmenthamighbofferembOliCorporation.  I furthecertifthat I anoipossessioofanwill noreveatOliCorporationanproprietaroconfidentiainformatiothaisubjecoancontractnon- disclosuragreementoprioworrelationshiinvolvinanothepersonemployeoentity.

understanthathiapplicatioinotaninointendetbe, a contracoemploymenanif I ahiredmy employmenifonfixeperiootimaneither I oOliCorporatiocaenthrelationshiaantimand foanreason.  I furtheagreeiemployedtfolloalrulespolicieanregulationoOliCorporation.  I understananagrethaOliCorporatioofficialmaytthfullesextenpermitteblawsearcmy propertopersowhile I amothpropertisoOliCorporationpremises.  I furtheunderstanthat statementcontaineirulespolicieshandbookoothemateriadnocreatanguaranteocontracof employmenanthaOliCorporatiohathrightmodifyamenoterminatrulespolicieshandbookor otheprogramwithithlimitanrequirementimposeblaw

Candidate Sign Off

I certify that all of the information in this application is true and correct as of this date.

Application Review